This post is slightly different from the other one, after all variety is the spice of life. I have come up with 10 essential tips necessary for a healthy relationship in an easy-to-read infographic. You may or may not agree with all of them, but hey; freedom of speech, right? I am not going to go into further details but will give my insight to all of them listed and ill be brutal about them so don’t hold it against me. 1. Gratitude . Focus on what you have and not on what you don’t. Be grateful for your partner and be mindful of how lucky you are by having someone by your side, take me for example; I’m still single, no one loves me. 2. Communication . Talk, talk and talk again. If there is something bothering you don’t give your partner the silent treatment as far as I know we are not mind readers? That’s just one example.If there is something worrying you why not talk about it instead of be...